Posted in Blog, Business Inspiration, Inspirational Moments, Leadership Inspiration, Personal Inspiration, Podcasts

Episode 34 – Communicating in Conflict! (Podcast)

family having a christmas dinner together
Photo by Nicole Michalou on

In this podcast episode, Angela and Patti get real and have a conversation about communicating in conflict.

When we came up with this topic, we explored being okay to say no and have a fall-out with someone. People pleasers struggle with saying no because they are scared, leading to the person not liking them or getting upset with them.

Nowadays, people are quick to avoid or ghost others instead of talking to each other. They wash their hands of people and walk away. It is easier to bail than to communicate. We hope this not the case; we know it is better to discuss things, whether pleasant or not, for relationships to last. Patti wrote a blog called “Damaged Relationships – Are They Salvageable?” It is about fall-out relationships and how unforgiveness causes physical and emotional harm.

In episode Episode 21- Lack of Communication and Overworked! Angela and Patti talked about communicating at work or when working from Home when overwhelmed with the workload.

Working relationships do have fall-outs that are not pretty. Avoidance makes more stress within the Workplace because the little things start adding up to big things when not addressed. That’s when all hell breaks loose in the Workplace, and people explode, get burnt out, start overthinking, become anxious, have low morale and no motivation, or even worse, quit and walk out without any notice. Patti did a blog called – How to Respond to Unprofessional People! Journal about what happened. Reflect on how they may respond to you. Create a plan of action on how to communicate calmly and to respond sensibly.

In the blog post series called Bad Leadership Styles. The series is how to identify different styles of Leadership with suggestions on guidance to address these negative behaviors. I will provide the link in the show notes.

Tips on How to Keep the Relationship While Dealing With Conflict:

Work on your feelings first: 

❤️ Are you angry and denying it?

❤️ What are you feeling?

❤️ If it’s about being right.

❤️ Why do you need to be, right?

❤️ Being right is always based on a belief that you should be better than someone.

❤️ Why do you have to be better than someone?

If you’re listening to this in the holidays and you want to focus on having better relationships, then take this time to envision or pray or imagine the type of affection or connection you would love in your relationships.

If you have a topic or a question for us, please leave us a message on the Anchor App. Did you enjoy our podcasts? Please subscribe and leave a review.

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Posted in Blog, Business Inspiration, Career Inspiration, Leadership Inspiration, Personal Inspiration

Perfection Doesn’t Equal A Outstanding Leader!

lawyers posing for a photo
Photo by August de Richelieu on

I’m sure we have all met someone who seems to have it all together and projects they have a perfect life. They post all this fun and fabulous stuff on Facebook about their life. They have a great career, a huge house, a brand new car, and a loving home life from appearances, then, later on, you find out it was all a show.  

What about a leader that appears to be perfect?

Is anyone genuinely perfect? Hell no, we all have quirks, habits, personalities that may rub someone the wrong way at times and make mistakes; that is what a human does.  

Do you respect someone who looks and acts like they are perfect, or do you question their authenticity? 

Who do you respect more, someone who is a hot mess but holds it all together or a fake perfect person that is always looking to make a great impression?

Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying you should scatter all your dirty laundry around at work. However, when someone comes across as always perfect and doesn’t make mistakes, it leaves suspicion and lack of trust. By not showing your human side, it is hard to build lasting relationships. You may be called a fair-weather person.

What makes a good leader is they admit they are imperfect and care about doing a good job, the staff, their coworkers, and customers.

What are your thoughts?
🦋 Does perfection equal an outstanding leader?
🦋 Or something completely different?

Does my work bring value to you and others?

If you enjoyed this blog post, how about sharing cup of coffee with me.

To schedule “one on one coaching” with Patti – click on the “Schedule Now” button below:

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#Leadership #Management #LeadershipDevelopment #LeadershipCoaching #ManagementCoaching #ManagementDevelopment #GoodLeadership

Posted in Blog, Inspirational Moments, Personal Inspiration, Podcasts

Episode 33 – The Damages and After Effects of People Pleasing to Yourself and Others! (Podcast)

concentrated ethnic businessman giving folder to female employee in workplace
Photo by Sora Shimazaki on

In this episode, Angela and Patti discuss People’s Pleasing and how it can disappoint relationships, whether within yourself and relating to others.

People Pleasers are very helpful and usually don’t say no when someone asks them for a favor. They spend a great deal of time doing things for others and disregard their own needs. Being a People Pleaser can cause disappointment because not everyone has the same kind heart or good intentions. They can attract people who will take advantage of their generosity.

Angela and Patti share experiences of being a people pleaser, and the lessons learned.

What are a few traits of a People Pleasing?

* Seeks approval and words of affirmation

* Fears being alone

* Feelings of being selfish or guilty for not meeting the needs of others

* Irritable when others don’t take your advice

* Being the “go-to person” when someone is in need

* Covering for or taking the blame for others

* Giving money away, which can lead towards depletion

What are some characteristics of a people pleaser?

Wants to be liked by others seek to earn it by pleasing, rescuing, giving away money and things, or flattery. They may even tell little white lies to spare people’s feelings when they don’t want to do something. Wants reassurance through acceptance and affection they can’t express their needs openly and directly. They make others feel obligated to reciprocate.

The people-pleaser may want to earn acceptance by helping others. They put other people’s needs ahead of their own. When they do this, they become resentful and sometimes bitter because the other person doesn’t do the same. They harbor anger, regret, and resentment from feeling used.

At times they may feel responsible for other people’s behavior. Saying “yes” becomes a habit, and for others, it can be an addiction that makes them feel needed in someone else’s life. Feelings of security and self-confidence come from getting the approval of others. Our very first podcast episode was When to Say No and When to Say Yes!

Angela uses clairsentience and kinaesthetic in her healing. It is a huge help to not jumping into the emotions, which means developing a stronger relationship with your intuition, which has taken her years. It has also taught her that feeling for a person is not the same as helping them.

The stories created by a people pleaser to justify their actions and choices are often subtle and cover up the real story that you feel is not enough to state what you want. The damage of believing your stories that justify people-pleasing is that you will delay discovering your true worth by behaviors that keep you locked in suffering other people’s emotions or stuck in guilting others and yourself for not meeting your needs.

Patti and Angela have years of experience overcoming people-pleasing. So the answer is listening to others who overcome people-pleasing to find true self-worth and ways of communicating that in the world. And you can find out more about working with us individually below.

If you want to learn about Angela’s kinaesthetic healing online movement classes, you can receive a free class by signing up for her newsletter here:

A People Pleaser may struggle with work-life balance, and Patti has created a self-study at your own pace 21 Days to Optimal Work/Life Balance Program that addresses how to say no for people pleasers and make better boundaries, so others don’t take advantage of them.

If you have a topic or a question for us, please leave us a message on the Anchor App. Did you enjoy our podcasts? Please leave a review.

How about becoming a monthly supporter.Click here and then choose the amount of monthly support in Anchor. By supporting this podcast with donations, it will help us continue to produce future episodes. Thank you so much for listening.

For a one-time any amount support donation, click the Donate button below:

Thanks for listening!

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Posted in Blog, Reiki

What is Reiki? How about a calming session of relaxation while reducing stress.

cozy bedroom with vintage furniture and rugs on parquet floor in sunlight
Photo by Charlotte May on

A few years ago, I was introduced to Reiki by a friend. She is a Reiki Master. I scheduled a session with her, and it was terrific. I had more sessions throughout the years. I would try to convince my husband to try it.

Then one day, we went on a road trip to Sedona. I said to him, is it okay if I schedule a Reiki session here. He said yes, and I will have one too. He had a healing with energy experience during his Reiki session. Since that trip to Sedona, my husband has encouraged me to become a Reiki Practitioner. It may have been for his benefit. He can have Reiki anytime he wants it.  

I am sure a few of you have never heard of Reiki, and some of you have. 

What is Reiki? 

Reiki is a Japanese technique for relaxation, which also promotes healing. Reiki’s performed through touch, or hands are hovering over someone or distance. Warm and soothing energy flows from the practitioner’s hands into the recipient, promoting relaxation and releasing tension. 

A Reiki treatment takes about an hour and is carried out with the recipient fully-clothed (except for shoes) and resting comfortably with pillows and a blanket on a massage table or other stable flat surface, which is a comfortable height for the Reiki practitioner to work. The Reiki practitioner’s hands are placed gently on or near the body and kept still for a few minutes. The recipient may feel heat or tingling from the practitioner’s hands or notice a flow of energy within the body. Recipients usually feel calm and relaxed during and after the treatment; however, some may feel energized.

What may happen during a Reiki session?

  • You may feel very relaxed and fall asleep
  • You may see colors
  • You may feel at peace or emotional

What is Distant Reiki?

The practitioner conducts Reiki to flow into a person who isn’t near them from a distance with their permission.

How can Reiki help?

Reiki balances and works on the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual levels. It may assist with pain management, preventive care, and mental/emotional circumstances such as anxiety, addiction, stress reduction, relaxation, and more. It focuses on sending energy into the body for optimum health.  

To schedule a Reiki Distance session with me click the schedule now button below.

Online scheduling

Does my work bring value to you and others?

If you enjoyed this blog post, how about sharing a cup of coffee with me. 🦋