Posted in Blog, Business Inspiration, Inspirational Moments, Leadership Inspiration, Personal Inspiration, Work-Life balance, YouTube

Thinking Outside Of The Box ~  Inspired Readings For Creative Living ~ Patti Oskvarek was a Guest on the Soul Alchemy W/Indigo Jaguar YouTube Channel

I was a guest on Soul Alchemy w/Indigo Jaguar, Heather Johnson’s YouTube Channel for Thinking Outside of the Box—Inspired Readings For Creative Living. It was a great conversation with Heather and her audience.

Click to watch Thinking Outside of the Box ~ Inspiring Readings For Creative Living.

I shared my journey to becoming a Leadership and Work-Life Balance Coach and Reiki Master, my Coaching Style, Work-Life Balance Affirmation Cards, and so much more.

Thank you, Heather for having me on Soul Alchemy W/Indigo Jaguar. 🙂

Please check out Heather’s Channel  @SoulAlchemyIndigoJaguar7323 

Thank you, for so much for watching, please like and subscribe to my YouTube Channel – @coachingforinsp

#worklifebalance #affirmationcards #leadershipcoaching #Worklifebalancecoaching #youtube #thinkingoutsidethebox #SoulAlchemyW/Indigo Jaguar

Posted in Blog, Business Inspiration, Inspirational Moments, Leadership Inspiration, Personal Inspiration, Video, Work-Life balance, YouTube

Take the Leap Podcast with Colleen Biggs – Episode # 142 – Vision, Balance, and Leadership with Featured Guest Patti Oskvarek

Check out my interview on the Take the Leap podcast with Colleen Biggs. We dove into the topic of Vision, Balance, and Leadership, and I gave valuable insight on immediately taking the Leap in your life!

I also shared about my Optimal Work-Life Balance Workbook Program.

Click to listen to the podcast interview:

I invite you to tune in to watch the video on YouTube:


Thank so much for listening or watching.

Be Seen. Be Heard. Be Visible – Design your life by taking the Leap ~ Colleen Biggs

#ShowUp #taketheleap #womeninspiringwomen #podcastinterviews #applepodcast 

Posted in Blog, Business Inspiration, Leadership Inspiration, Personal Inspiration, Video, Work-Life balance, YouTube

How to Become a Better Leader without dropping all the “spinning plates” LEAP Community Member Monday Spotlight with Patti Oskvarek

I took the LEAP and was a spotlight guest on the LEAP Community Monday Spotlight with Colleen Biggs. I shared about leadership, work-life balance, and more.

To watch the video click here:

It was inspiring talking to Colleen and sharing with her and the LEAP community about my coaching journey and how to become a better leader without dropping all the “spinning plates” and work-life balance.

Are you interested in taking the LEAP?

Check out why Colleen Biggs is so passionate about Taking the Leap and the ladies she serves!

#ShowUp #taketheleap #womeninspiringwomen 

Posted in Blog, Exploring Life and Work with Patti Podcast, Leadership Inspiration, Podcasts

Exploring Holiday Time for a Manager and Supervisor at Work

Click to listen to podcast Episode 27 Exploring Holiday Time for a Manager and Supervisor at work.

hourglass on a desk of a woman sitting in front of her laptop
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

Hi, Managers and Supervisors

How’s it going?

Holiday Time is coming. Are you prepared as a Manager and Supervisor?

For a manager and supervisor, this can be a stressful time keeping the business running at maximum speed or at all. 

Holidays have a lot of personal stress and often affect the work environment. What do I mean? It can be distracting and can lower productivity in the workplace. Some people become less productive at work during the holiday season and lose motivation. Productivity may be lower because managers and staff are on leave from the office, and workflow slows down.

While the holidays for some are to unwind and unplug while away from the office for others, the work still goes on and can be stressful trying to juggle home life and work life.

All your staff may want the same time off, and you may have to refuse leave requests. The people denied leave may be angry and upset and don’t want to be there, and morale goes down and some even call in sick, which makes the workplace unbearable for those still there.

How do you handle these situations as a Manager and Supervisor?

Do you have a plan of action to ease the circumstance, or are you flying by the seat of your pants, or do you even care?

What are some ways to prepare and ease the anxiety for you and your staff?

  1. Do you rotate Holiday leave time with the staff? If someone takes off one Holiday, they work the other Holidays. Then, they take another Holiday the following year but not the one they got the previous year. 
  2. Or does the team sit down and determine together what Holidays they get off?
  3. What about you? Do you take time off during the holidays? Do you plan to take time off and not just physically be there but mentally and emotionally as well? 

Preparing well in advance with your staff who is taking time off and what holidays you are taking off – gives everyone a sense of commitment and understanding, and everyone can prepare with their family and friends. 

In the month of October, I would start to develop the Holiday Vacation Leave plan with my staff. I remember how stressful ensuring we had enough staff coverage during the holiday weeks was. Until I came up with Holiday Leave Action plans early in the year so everyone knew who was working and who was not during the October – December season. 

During the Holiday season, avoid bringing work home so you can enjoy your time away from work and include yourself in the holiday rotation plan. Many managers and supervisors don’t take any leave time during the Holidays, which is unfair to you and your family. 

Time to reflect: What is your Holiday Leave Time plan for you and your employees?

Today’s podcast Affirmation

I am prepared for the Holidays at work!

Question: Do you feel that work and personal life compete with your attention?

I would love your thoughts on this topic, and if there is a topic you would like me to explore, please leave a comment. 

If you are struggling with the daily grind and feel alone, a leadership and work-life balance coach like me will help you work through those everyday challenges to continue moving forward to where you want to be. 

Did you find this helpful? If so, please share this podcast with others! 

Until next time when we meet again!

If you would like to learn more about working with me for coaching services, go to my website:

If you enjoyed this podcast and would like to support it, how about (buying) sharing a cup of coffee with me☕️ What is sharing (buying) me a cup of coffee? It is a beautiful way to express your gratitude and support for my work.

If you want to work with me for coaching services, click the “Schedule Now” button below.


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Posted in Blog, Exploring Life and Work with Patti Podcast, Leadership Inspiration, Podcasts

Exploring the Feelings of Working in a Toxic Workplace as a Manager and Supervisor

Click to listen to the podcast Episode 25 Exploring the Feelings of Working in a Toxic Workplace as a Manager and Supervisor


Managers and Supervisors

How’s it going?

In this podcast episode, we will explore the feelings of working in a toxic workplace as a manager and supervisor. 

Are we responsible for other’s attitudes and responses toward us and others? 

It depends on how we treat people and ourselves. If we are abrupt, condescending, and demanding, we may be responsible for how people respond and react to that behavior towards them. How do you feel or respond to a boss, co-worker, peers, and others in the workplace or outside of work who are rude, unkind, or harsh in their tone with you?

What are the effects of working in a toxic environment?

I know how I felt. I didn’t like the person I was becoming, working in a hostile and toxic environment. I lost my compassion, empathy, joy, and excitement and was untrusting and sometimes judgmental towards others. The untrusting thoughts of thinking people had an unsavory agenda, feeling unsafe, bulldozing me, watching the Sh*t Storm every day around me, and trying to cope with the emotions of dealing with the daily grind and having to fake it to get by. 

Daily, I felt like I was giving away my power and values or losing kindness and happiness through people’s interactions and nasty behaviors, which had nothing to do with me. Still, I was feeling responsible for the unhappiness around me. Being highly sensitive can be a blessing and a curse in the workplace and home. Is it my stuff, or is it others? The trick is identifying whose crap it is. Letting go and not holding on to it or overthinking all of it. It’s not about me; I needed to remind myself that it’s not my responsibility for other people’s BS.

Empathy without boundaries doesn’t work and can be self-destructive and disruptive to the workplace. 

When I became a supervisor, I wanted to help people and make a positive difference in my employee’s lives. As managers and supervisors, we coach, teach, and mentor the others around us, but they have the choice of how they show up, respond, and behave. When out of balance, we project on the people around us. Taking time away is good for us to regroup, refocus, and destress when we feel we have lost empathy and compassion. 

Are our actions contributing to a positive, negative, or neutral outcome in the workplace environment energy? 

What are the results of working in a cohesive, collaborative, supportive environment?

When we realize how we show up daily in our workplace as someone who wants to make a positive difference in other people’s lives, the work environment becomes productive, enjoyable, and cohesive, and the atmosphere changes for the better. 

Today’s podcast Affirmation

I choose to let go of what I can’t control!

I would love your thoughts on this topic, and if there is a topic you would like me to explore, please leave a comment. 

If you are struggling with the daily grind and feel alone, a leadership coach like me will help you work through those everyday challenges to continue moving forward to where you want to be. 

Did you find this helpful? If so, please share this podcast with others! 

Until next time when we meet again!

If you would like to learn more about working with me for coaching services, go to my website:

If you enjoyed this podcast, how about showing appreciation and (buying) sharing a cup of coffee with me☕️ What is sharing (buying) me a cup of coffee? It is a beautiful way to express your gratitude and support for my work.

If you want to work with me for coaching services, click the “Schedule Now” button below.


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Posted in Blog, Exploring Life and Work with Patti Podcast, Leadership Inspiration

Exploring Reversing Rude Behavior in Meetings from Chaos to Calm

In this podcast episode we explore reversing rude behaviors in meetings.

Click to listen Episode 24 – Exploring Reversing Rude Behavior in Meetings from Chaos to Calm

Have you ever been in a meeting where at least one person or all attendees have nothing positive to say about anything?

As Managers or Supervisors, having efficient and effective meetings is crucial to running a successful business. Group meetings that aren’t productive waste valuable time and cost the company money.

Let’s explore what may be considered rude behaviors in meetings.

  • Interrupting the person speaking
  • Not listening, acting bored, or lack of engagement
  • Being disrespectful to the speaker
  • Two people are talking privately among themselves while someone else is speaking
  • People are just plain hostile to each other
  • Arguing over whose point is right
  • Overtalking each other
  • Sarcastic mean comments to the speaker or each other
  • Being very judgmental of each other
  • Participants take everything that is said very personally due to the hostile interaction
  • Embarrassing the host or leader with malicious remarks

I have been in group meetings where all of these actions have happened, been the target, and participated in some disrespectful behaviors. I am not proud of how I acted; I was discourteous and unprofessional sometimes, but it was acceptable to voice your opinion. Was this behavior a way to conquer and get what was needed? Not really. Did anything get resolved? Most of the time, nothing got accomplished.

What happened to common courtesy, collaboration, and respectfulness towards each other?

How can we change the behavior in meetings? 

It takes one person at a time, starting with Managers and Supervisors, to lead by example and reverse this unprofessional behavior.

Here are some tips:

  • Set up rules of conduct for the meeting(s). Go over them at the beginning of each session as a reminder. Have the code of conduct on the agenda template. As time passes with the same group of attendees, the code of conduct will only need addressing if a new person attends the meeting and reads the code of conduct at the beginning.
  • When someone says something negative, turn to them and say something positive about the topic or person.
  • When someone intentionally breaks meeting etiquette, politely remind them or refer to the code of conduct.
  • As the manager or supervisor, focus on following the code of conduct, leading by example, and positive meeting etiquette will become achievable by all participants.
  • Redirect the “off-topic” discussions for later.

A set code of conduct and behavior etiquette is essential to successful meetings. Being courteous and respectful allows everyone to speak, be heard, participate, and engage, which is when great results will happen. Be organized and prepared. As Managers and Supervisors, we lead by example; if we are focused and engaged, our employees will be too.

Today’s podcast Affirmation

I conduct productive meetings! 

I would love to hear your thoughts as a manager or supervisor on meetings.

If you are struggling with the daily grind and feel alone, a leadership coach like me will help you work through those everyday challenges to continue moving forward to where you want to be. 

Did you find this helpful? If so, please share this podcast with others! 

Until next time when we meet again!

If you would like to learn more about working with me for coaching services, go to my website:

I would love your thoughts on this topic, and if there is a topic you would like me to explore, please leave a comment. 

If you enjoyed this podcast, how about showing appreciation and (buying) sharing a cup of coffee with me☕️ What is sharing (buying) me a cup of coffee? It is a beautiful way to express your gratitude and support for my work.

If you want to work with me for coaching services, click the “Schedule Now” button below.


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Posted in Blog, Business Inspiration, Inspirational Moments, Leadership Inspiration

Managers and Supervisors You Matter

laughing businesswoman working in office with laptop
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

Hi, Managers and Supervisors

How’s it going?

You are important. Remember that.

People need you at work for encouragement, inspiration, guidance, and daily support.

You make a difference every day you walk into that building, office, workplace, meeting, or Zoom call.

You have value and help others throughout the day.

No matter what happened in the past, it’s a new day, and you have today and the future to make your staff, customers, clients, and bosses know you care about your job and the company.

Seize the day and continue to lead with purpose, passion, and empathy. You matter! ~ Patti

Posted in Blog, Leadership Inspiration, Personal Inspiration, Work-Life balance

My Conversation with John Kenny – The Relationship Guy (Podcast) – How to Balance Your Life With Patti Oskvarek

I had a wonderful conversation with John Kenny – The Relationship Guy (Podcast). It was a pleasure chatting with John Kenny; he is such a nice guy. Listen and follow The Relationship Guy Podcast; you will get a lot out of his podcast. ~ Patti 

Click to listen to the The Relationship Guy Podcast How to Balance Your Life With Patti Oskvarek

#TheRelationshipGuy #RelationshipPodcast

Posted in Blog, Exploring Life and Work with Patti Podcast, Leadership Inspiration

Exploring Effects of Bad Attitudes in the Workplace from Chaos to Calm

In this podcast episode we will explore the effects of bad attitudes in the workplace.

Click to listen to Episode 22 – Exploring Effects of Bad Attitudes in the Workplace from Chaos to Calm.

Hi, Managers and Supervisors

How’s it going?

One day, my husband and I were at Walmart and saw this quote on a T-shirt. I used to be a people person; then people ruined it! ~ unknown. 

I held up the T-shirt and told my husband; I am buying this. As a leadership and work-life balance coach, I encourage people not to feel this way. So why did I want to buy the T-Shirt? 

Well, I had many days that I felt this way in Leadership.

Have you ever felt this way? 

I know I did throughout my career, especially when knee-deep in the day-to-day grind of (Bull Crap). There were days I would go home and think, why am I doing this? Am I even making a difference; why are people so picky, hateful, judgmental, petty, discouraging, and disrespectful? Somedays, Myself included.

How does having a lousy attitude at work affect your reputation, employees, coworkers, customers, and the business’s bottom line?

Do you believe that other people around you at work can jade your perspective toward others, and you start to feel like the T-shirt quote?

What happened to kindness, empathy, praise, encouragement, and compassion in the workplace?

Managers and Supervisors, you can change the attitude in the workplace. One day at a time by your approach towards the workplace, yourself, and others. Once you apply kindness, empathy, praise, encouragement, and compassion to your employees and coworkers, others will notice and, as time goes on, will follow the pattern.

Here are some Self-Reflection Questions About Daily Interactions:

  • Why is everything about who can “one up” each other? How can this change in my leadership style?
  • Why is “knowledge power”? How can I share more?
  • What happened to being genuinely happy for a coworker and recognizing their accomplishments? How and when can I start recognizing others?
  • Why is being so “busy” acceptable and “ignoring” family okay? How can I improve spending time with my family and friends?
  • When will these interactions change within my Leadership?

What kind of leadership legacy do you want to leave behind?

It would be so amazing if this T-shirt is no longer valid in the workplace, and people feel safe at work and are inspired and encouraged to be their best with continual support. So Managers and Supervisors, let’s make it happen one day at a time!

Today’s podcast Affirmation

I am an inspiration at work!

Did you find this helpful? If so, please share this podcast with others! 

Until next time when we meet again!

If you want to learn more about my coaching services and products, go to

Coffee with Patti – is a beautiful way to express your appreciation and support.

If you would like to work with me for coaching services, click the “Schedule Now” button below.

#managers #supervisors #leadership #leadershipdevelopment #anchorpodcast #managementpodcast #leadershippodcast #management #employeeengagement #lifecoachingpodcast #lifecoaching #leadershipcoaching #spotifypodcast #workattitude 

Posted in Blog, Exploring Life and Work with Patti Podcast, Leadership Inspiration

Exploring the Manipulative Manager and Supervisor Leadership Style from Chaos to Calm

elegant young bearded businessman in suit and tie in downtown
Photo by Dinielle De Veyra on

In this podcast episode we will explore a Manager and Supervisor with a manipulative leadership style.

Click to listen to Episode 21 – Exploring the Manipulative Manager and Supervisor Leadership Style from Chaos to Calm

Hi, Managers and Supervisors

How’s it going?

Patti explores:

  • What is a manipulative manager or supervisor?
  • Do you know manipulative manager or supervisor?
  • Why don’t people speak up about manipulative managers and supervisors?
  • The Warning Signs someone has a Manipulative Manager and Supervisor.
  • The Results for Employers having a Manipulative Manager and Supervisor in the Workplace.
  • Do you recognize this type of Leadership in your organization or within yourself?

Today’s podcast Affirmation

I have healthy relationships with my staff!

I would love your thoughts on this topic.

Did you find this helpful? If so, please share this podcast with others! 

Until next time when we meet again!

If you want to learn more about my coaching services and products, go to

Coffee with Patti – is a beautiful way to express your appreciation and support.

If you would like to work with me for coaching services, click the “Schedule Now” button below.

Follow me on Spotify