Posted in Blog, Business Inspiration, Inspirational Moments, Leadership Inspiration, Personal Inspiration, Work-Life balance, YouTube

Thinking Outside Of The Box ~  Inspired Readings For Creative Living ~ Patti Oskvarek was a Guest on the Soul Alchemy W/Indigo Jaguar YouTube Channel

I was a guest on Soul Alchemy w/Indigo Jaguar, Heather Johnson’s YouTube Channel for Thinking Outside of the Box—Inspired Readings For Creative Living. It was a great conversation with Heather and her audience.

Click to watch Thinking Outside of the Box ~ Inspiring Readings For Creative Living.

I shared my journey to becoming a Leadership and Work-Life Balance Coach and Reiki Master, my Coaching Style, Work-Life Balance Affirmation Cards, and so much more.

Thank you, Heather for having me on Soul Alchemy W/Indigo Jaguar. 🙂

Please check out Heather’s Channel  @SoulAlchemyIndigoJaguar7323 

Thank you, for so much for watching, please like and subscribe to my YouTube Channel – @coachingforinsp

#worklifebalance #affirmationcards #leadershipcoaching #Worklifebalancecoaching #youtube #thinkingoutsidethebox #SoulAlchemyW/Indigo Jaguar

Posted in Blog, Exploring Life and Work with Patti Podcast, Podcasts, Polls

Exploring What Are Escaping From In Life and Work As A Manager and Supervisor

Managers and Supervisors
How’s it going?

In this podcast episode, we’ll explore lifescaping and what may hold us back from achieving our goals.

Click to listen to the podcast Episode 30 –  Exploring What Are Escaping From In Life and Work As A Manager and Supervisor.

Lifescaping is a term I coined a few years ago. Wanting to escape from the life you are living but still there and extremely unhappy in the daily grind. 

Think about your life right now. Are you creating the life you want, or going through the motions, or living a life for everyone else but what you want?

What are you escaping from in Life and Work?

Figuring out what is holding you back from enjoying your life is critical. Being brave and confronting it will end the constant worry, anxiety, and unhappiness in your daily life.

What’s in your life you need to remove or change to create harmony?

Make a list of the things that you want to remove from your life.

Here are some examples:

  • A toxic friend
  • A hostile workplace
  • A verbally abusive partner
  • A controlling family member
  • A destructive behavior
  • A job position that is no longer inspiring you 
  • Lazy employees
  • A demanding Boss
  • A backstabbing co-worker
  • Unhappy staff
  • A gossiping work environment 
  • No positive recognition

Do you resonate with any of these? 

List things you want in life to create to achieve harmony and balance.

Here are some examples:

  • Positive Encouraging Friends
  • A Motivating Career
  • A Peaceful Home
  • A Happy Loving Family
  • Good Health
  • Some Fun and Adventure
  • A Healthy Lifestyle
  • A New Job Position

Think about what you want and the steps you will take to improve your life.

Start slowly removing the things blocking you from achieving your goals and adding the things that will help you change your circumstances to achieve them.

Once you start implementing the action steps, you will feel the shift from being trapped to a sense of peace and freedom to be you.

What are you waiting for?

Today’s podcast Affirmation

I am loving my personal and work life!

If you are struggling with the daily grind and feel alone, a leadership and work-life balance coach like me will help you work through those everyday challenges to continue moving forward to where you want to be. 

If you would like to learn more about working with me for coaching services, go to my website:

Did you find this helpful? If so, please share this podcast with others! 

Until next time when we meet again!

I would love your thoughts on this topic, and if there is a topic you would like me to explore, please leave a comment. 

Posted in Blog, Exploring Life and Work with Patti Podcast, Podcasts, Polls

Exploring Stress At Work When It Comes From Caring Too Much

There will be some adult language in this podcast episode, and we will explore the stress of caring too much as Managers, Supervisors, and more.

Click to listen to the podcast episode of Episode 31 – Exploring Stress At Work When It Comes From Caring Too Much.

I saw a reel on Instagram recently where the guy said, “Stress at work comes from giving a sh*t.” 

Wow, that statement hit me hard because I sometimes (most of the time) care too much, take my responsibilities or projects seriously, and want to do the best job possible. I care about a great outcome.

What about you? 

Do you care too much while others who don’t care seem to have no stress because they don’t give a sh*t and appear to attract whatever they want at work? They get promotions and special projects and climb the corporate ladder fast while dumping their work on everyone else, especially the Doer. 

At the same time, the Doer is overwhelmed and receives no recognition for all they do while someone else takes the credit.

So many times throughout my career, I make a suggestion, and later, someone brings it up again and takes credit for it.

If this happens to you, are you happy the suggestion will finally be implemented, or are you angry and silent?

How do you deal with your internal emotions?

What keeps you motivated to do your best and not let these situations jade you, defeat you, and overtake your ambitions and confidence?

Some may say what does it matter? It’s just a job.

As Managers and Supervisors, we may only know what is truly going on with our team if we spend time with our staff and they feel safe discussing these situations. 

Does your staff feel comfortable talking to you about uncomfortable situations happening in the work environment? 

Do you feel comfortable asking how it’s going and receiving unfavorable feedback you may have to address?

As a manager and supervisor, do you ignore things, hope they go away, and use the attitude I don’t care to deal with the daily grind?

Think about the stress that is going on around you.

Have employees been calling out more than usual lately?

What about employees’ attitudes at work? Are they more reactive than proactive, aggressive, unmotivated, sensitive, or lacking in productivity?

How are you feeling? Are you stressed or uncaring, or both? Or do you care too much?

Who do you want in your organization: the person who cares too much, the Doer, the person who doesn’t care, and the person who takes advantage and doesn’t care who they step over to get there?

I know these are some difficult and uncomfortable questions; however, they are great for self-reflection. Some people take their jobs and work performance seriously and care about them, while others take advantage of others to move up in the organization. 

Caring about your job and work performance is not bad; it’s admirable and a good trait, but it does cause some stress. How much stress that’s up to you how you handle that stress. If you are an overthinker, that may cause more stress than someone who self-reflects, comes up with solutions, or chalks it up to a life lesson and moves on by not thinking about it anymore. 

Stress is a silent killer in the workplace in many ways: physical, mental, and emotional. Being aware of it, actively finding ways to combat it, and discussing and sharing it will help everyone feel safe talking about how to make the work environment happier.

How can we, as Managers and Supervisors, improve the work environment? One day at a time. 

This podcast episode offers a lot to consider. I would love your thoughts on this topic. If there is another topic you would like me to explore, please leave a comment. 

Today’s podcast Affirmation

I choose to let go of what I can’t control!

If you are struggling with the daily grind and feel alone, a leadership and work-life balance coach like me will help you work through those everyday challenges to continue moving forward to where you want to be. 

If you would like to learn more about working with me for coaching services, go to my website:

Did you find this helpful? If so, please share this podcast with others! 

Until next time when we meet again!

Posted in Blog, Business Inspiration, Inspirational Moments, Leadership Inspiration, Personal Inspiration, Video, Work-Life balance, YouTube

Take the Leap Podcast with Colleen Biggs – Episode # 142 – Vision, Balance, and Leadership with Featured Guest Patti Oskvarek

Check out my interview on the Take the Leap podcast with Colleen Biggs. We dove into the topic of Vision, Balance, and Leadership, and I gave valuable insight on immediately taking the Leap in your life!

I also shared about my Optimal Work-Life Balance Workbook Program.

Click to listen to the podcast interview:

I invite you to tune in to watch the video on YouTube:


Thank so much for listening or watching.

Be Seen. Be Heard. Be Visible – Design your life by taking the Leap ~ Colleen Biggs

#ShowUp #taketheleap #womeninspiringwomen #podcastinterviews #applepodcast 

Posted in Blog, Business Inspiration, Leadership Inspiration, Personal Inspiration, Video, Work-Life balance, YouTube

How to Become a Better Leader without dropping all the “spinning plates” LEAP Community Member Monday Spotlight with Patti Oskvarek

I took the LEAP and was a spotlight guest on the LEAP Community Monday Spotlight with Colleen Biggs. I shared about leadership, work-life balance, and more.

To watch the video click here:

It was inspiring talking to Colleen and sharing with her and the LEAP community about my coaching journey and how to become a better leader without dropping all the “spinning plates” and work-life balance.

Are you interested in taking the LEAP?

Check out why Colleen Biggs is so passionate about Taking the Leap and the ladies she serves!

#ShowUp #taketheleap #womeninspiringwomen 

Posted in Blog, Exploring Life and Work with Patti Podcast, Work-Life balance, YouTube

Exploring Why to Use Affirmations as a Manager and Supervisor

Click to watch the video.

Click to listen to audio.

How’s it going?

I am Patti Oskvarek from Coaching for Inspiration with Patti, a Work-Life Balance and Leadership coach, Reiki Master, Blogger, and Podcaster.  

I help managers and supervisors to become better leaders and live a more purposeful, balanced life outside of work.

Today, I wanted to share about Affirmations.

When I worked as a Manager and Supervisor, there were days I needed encouragement, a boost of confidence, or meaningful inspiration when all around me was in chaos. I would recite affirmations to help me get through the day. 

I would write affirmations on yellow sticky notes and put them on my steering wheel, computer, or bathroom mirror. To help get me motivated for the day. When I took a break, I would listen to affirmations as I took a walk. 

Affirmations helped me refocus some positive thoughts and get the negative thoughts out of my head to reframe those thoughts into good ones.

Some people think Affirmations are woo-woo. However, I don’t see it that way. It can shift your mindset if you want it bad enough. If you are dealing with the daily grind and have constant interruptions or coworkers trying to discredit you, having positive words and thoughts is good to keep you stable, inspired, and focused.

Have there been times when you needed some inspiration, reassurance, or encouragement during your work day? 

I use affirmations in my coaching style by giving clients affirmations during coaching sessions to keep them focused on their goals. 

While in a coaching session, I may use my Work-Life Balance Affirmation cards that I created during the coaching session and pull a card; the expression on their faces is priceless because the card is what they need to hear to inspire them.

Clients use them, and they recite the affirmation daily and weekly. It reminds them of their wants and keeps them focused on the end goal.

I created the Work-Life Balance affirmation cards to inspire and encourage; read and repeat them throughout the day. Post them around your home, work area, or in your vehicle. They are pocket-sized, which makes them easy to carry around with you.

How to use the Work-Life Balance Affirmation Cards:

Shuffle and randomly select a card, reflect on it, and repeat the affirmation throughout the day. Or choose a card for the day you would like to focus on and have in your life. 

To learn more or purchase the Work-Life Balance Affirmation Cards, go to

Posted in Blog, Soulful Conversation with Gaia and Patti, YouTube

Soulful Conversations with Gaia and Patti – Burnout

In this episode of Soulful Conversations with Gaia and Patti we discuss Burnout.

Click to watch the Soulful Conversations with Gaia and Patti – Burnout.

We discussed:

What is burnout?

What are some warning signs?

Change your flow.

And more.

Gaia shares about an acronym she made RACA:

Recognize – sometimes we are not aware we are in burnout – there are physical symptoms, and ways you feel about something.

Assess regularly – watch out before it become worse – a lot of talks about mental health, why think about that later and not to prevent it?

Contain – most of the time is with your job: do an honest assessment regularly about – how you feel physically and emotionally, maybe every 6 months.

Act differently – Is there any habit, new tool you can use to start healing or alleviate burnout?

Thank you for watching; please leave a comment, like, follow, and subscribe.

Reach out for more information about Gaia’s services: email Gaia at

For more information about Patti’s coaching services go to her at website:

#burnout #burnoutrecovery #Lifecoaching

Posted in Blog, Exploring Life and Work with Patti Podcast

Exploring How to Deal with Words Left Unsaid

Hi, Manager and Supervisors
How’s it going?
In this podcast episode, we will explore dealing with unsaid words.

I am sure we all had a life situation where we wished we told someone how we truly felt. Whether it was a childhood crush or wished we spoke up at a group meeting or knew something was happening that wasn’t right.

Fear can immobilize us not to act. Then Guilt or regret lingers on and on inside of us. It may continue throughout our lifetime. Guilt or shame can leave us feeling empty, unsatisfied, or longing for something we didn’t have the guts to pursue. You probably heard the old saying, “Time heals all wounds.”  Does it? 

Some wounds will never heal until addressed, which is easier said than done.

How many of us have been ghosted sometime in our life? 

It may have been a relationship, a job offer, a promotion, a networking acquaintance, a promise, or a business deal.

Did you want to know the reason why? 

I know when it happened to me, I wanted to know why.

Unfortunately, most of the time, especially in the business setting, a reason why will never come.

Overthinking about the situation can take a toll on a person. It may cause depression, anger, suicidal thoughts, sadness, ulcers, overwhelm, uncontrollable crying, anxiety attacks, and so much more.

Time may soften the disappointment, regret, and hurt, but it’s still deep inside. Time is not the healer; it is the inner work of dealing with the emotions that heals you. Healing requires constant mental work of positive self-talk and letting it go.

How do you get over it and move on?

🦋 Recite positive affirmations for healing and to eliminate negative thoughts.

🦋 Create a gratitude journal. Every day in the journal, write one to three things you are grateful for daily.

🦋 Be aware of your emotions and feelings; take time to feel them — work on halting the complaining, constantly talking about it, and overthinking the situation.

🦋 Spend time with positive, happy, and motivated people.

🦋 Pick your battles. Sometimes, chasing the person may cause more damage to you. If the recipient doesn’t want to hear from you, they won’t respond. Start focusing on what you want in life; you are worth more.

🦋 Hire a life or leadership coach or therapist to help you overcome the hurt and disappointment.

Isn’t it time to be happy?

Being upset, angry, and overthinking isn’t working. Love yourself and those around you enough to let it go. Believing you deserve a better life of peace, joy, and love is a huge part of healing.

Today’s podcast Affirmation

I let go and move on!

Question: How did you move on from words left unsaid?

I would love your thoughts on this topic, and if there is a topic you would like me to explore, please leave a comment. 

If you are struggling with the daily grind and feel alone, a leadership and work-life balance coach like me will help you work through those everyday challenges to continue moving forward to where you want to be. 

Did you find this helpful? If so, please share this podcast with others! 

Until next time when we meet again!

If you would like to learn more about working with me for coaching services, go to my website:

If you enjoyed this podcast and would like to support it, how about (buying) sharing a cup of coffee with me☕️ What is sharing (buying) me a cup of coffee? It is a beautiful way to express your gratitude and support for my work.

If you want to work with me for coaching services, click the “Schedule Now” button below.


#managers #supervisors #leadership #leadershipdevelopment #anchorpodcast #managementpodcast #leadershippodcast #management #employeeengagement #lifecoachingpodcast #lifecoaching #leadershipcoaching #spotifypodcast #workplace 

Posted in Blog, Soulful Conversation with Gaia and Patti, Video

Soulful Conversations with Gaia and Patti Stop Procrastinating and Set Goals for the New Year

In this Soulful Conversation with Gaia and Patti will be chatting about “Stop Procrastinating and Set Goals for the New Year!”

Click to watch Soulful Conversation with Gaia and Patti will be chatting about “Stop Procrastinating and Set Goals for the New Year!”

Some of the things Gaia & Patti discuss:

*There are certain things about any job that is mundane.
*If you take the time to do the tedious parts of your job, you can breathe a sigh of relief sooner.
*Setting up some small rewards along the way helps to stay on track.
*Reconnect with the sense of accomplishment every time you complete a task *Setting your goal, coming up with a plan of action and the most important thing is putting the plan into to action.
*And much more.

What are some successful goals you have created for yourself?

Thank you for watching; please leave a comment, like, follow, and subscribe.

Reach out for more information about Gaia’s services: email Gaia at

Patti’s website:

#SoulfulConversations #Boundaries #Stop Procrastinating #Set Goals for the New Year #SoulfulConversationwithGaiaandPatti #LifeCoaching #Video #LeadershipCoaching #Goals

Posted in Blog, Exploring Life and Work with Patti Podcast, Leadership Inspiration, Podcasts

Exploring Holiday Time for a Manager and Supervisor at Work

Click to listen to podcast Episode 27 Exploring Holiday Time for a Manager and Supervisor at work.

hourglass on a desk of a woman sitting in front of her laptop
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

Hi, Managers and Supervisors

How’s it going?

Holiday Time is coming. Are you prepared as a Manager and Supervisor?

For a manager and supervisor, this can be a stressful time keeping the business running at maximum speed or at all. 

Holidays have a lot of personal stress and often affect the work environment. What do I mean? It can be distracting and can lower productivity in the workplace. Some people become less productive at work during the holiday season and lose motivation. Productivity may be lower because managers and staff are on leave from the office, and workflow slows down.

While the holidays for some are to unwind and unplug while away from the office for others, the work still goes on and can be stressful trying to juggle home life and work life.

All your staff may want the same time off, and you may have to refuse leave requests. The people denied leave may be angry and upset and don’t want to be there, and morale goes down and some even call in sick, which makes the workplace unbearable for those still there.

How do you handle these situations as a Manager and Supervisor?

Do you have a plan of action to ease the circumstance, or are you flying by the seat of your pants, or do you even care?

What are some ways to prepare and ease the anxiety for you and your staff?

  1. Do you rotate Holiday leave time with the staff? If someone takes off one Holiday, they work the other Holidays. Then, they take another Holiday the following year but not the one they got the previous year. 
  2. Or does the team sit down and determine together what Holidays they get off?
  3. What about you? Do you take time off during the holidays? Do you plan to take time off and not just physically be there but mentally and emotionally as well? 

Preparing well in advance with your staff who is taking time off and what holidays you are taking off – gives everyone a sense of commitment and understanding, and everyone can prepare with their family and friends. 

In the month of October, I would start to develop the Holiday Vacation Leave plan with my staff. I remember how stressful ensuring we had enough staff coverage during the holiday weeks was. Until I came up with Holiday Leave Action plans early in the year so everyone knew who was working and who was not during the October – December season. 

During the Holiday season, avoid bringing work home so you can enjoy your time away from work and include yourself in the holiday rotation plan. Many managers and supervisors don’t take any leave time during the Holidays, which is unfair to you and your family. 

Time to reflect: What is your Holiday Leave Time plan for you and your employees?

Today’s podcast Affirmation

I am prepared for the Holidays at work!

Question: Do you feel that work and personal life compete with your attention?

I would love your thoughts on this topic, and if there is a topic you would like me to explore, please leave a comment. 

If you are struggling with the daily grind and feel alone, a leadership and work-life balance coach like me will help you work through those everyday challenges to continue moving forward to where you want to be. 

Did you find this helpful? If so, please share this podcast with others! 

Until next time when we meet again!

If you would like to learn more about working with me for coaching services, go to my website:

If you enjoyed this podcast and would like to support it, how about (buying) sharing a cup of coffee with me☕️ What is sharing (buying) me a cup of coffee? It is a beautiful way to express your gratitude and support for my work.

If you want to work with me for coaching services, click the “Schedule Now” button below.


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