Posted in Blog, Inspirational Moments, Leadership Inspiration

12 Days of Inspiration ~ A Joyous Balanced Life ~ Day 6 ~ Breaking Free of Procrastination and Getting Stuff Done!

12 Days of Inspiration ~ A Joyous Balanced Life

Day 6 ~ Breaking Free of Procrastination and Getting Stuff Done!

Procrastination is a big waste of time.  Putting off those difficult or undesirable tasks doesn’t contribute to becoming successful.  Once the task or project is completed you can move on to more enjoyable tasks and have a great sense of accomplishment.

How to Break Free of Procrastination:

  • Identify it
  • Recognize it and decide to stop
  • Focus on the task until completed

Take control of all distractions such as responding immediately to email notifications, incoming voice mail messages, texts, instant messages, social media notifications and set specific times and limits for these activities.  Concentrate by tuning out or turning off all distractions and make a commitment to that specific task.  Halt any negative self talk and replace these thoughts with positive affirmations.  Envision how you will feel after the task or project is completed.

“The greatest amount of wasted time is the time not getting started.” Dawson Trotman

Sometimes getting started is hard but the rewards are endless.  Setting your goal, coming up with a plan of action and the most important thing is putting the plan into to action.  Getting started and motivated to take the action steps is crucial to change.  Procrastination is a waste of precious time.  It doesn’t help you attain your goal or dream.  To get what you want you have to pursue it.  To pursue it, starts with motivation to want to get things done.

Self Reflection:

What are some key factors which enable procrastination to continue?

What tasks have you been putting off?

How will it change your circumstances by getting them done?

Today’s Affirmation:

Comments are always welcome, please feel free to share your thoughts on how to get things done. 

Spread the joy and share this post with your colleagues, friends, family and on your social networks for others to get inspired!

To learn more about A Balanced Life; click on the link for the 21- Days Optimal Work/Life Balance Workshop.

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