Posted in Blog, Podcasts

Episode 46 – How to Calm Anxiety with Work and Money

In this podcast, we’re going to look at money anxiety. Angela shares some thoughts about the new economy based on sharing and caring about yourself and others which can help relieve tension and look at money from a collaborative and self-value-affirming perspective.  

To listen to the podcast click here

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Photo by James Wheeler on


During the pandemic, many of us stopped work, school, living the way we lived. Discovered many activities at home, which were things we used to do before life got busy, such as cooking, baking, making craft, making music, art, home-based exercise, journaling, talking to people, playing cards, etc.  And many people realized they were working and living in a way they didn’t like.  

Patti’s workbook the 21 Days to Optimal Work-Life Balance.

Angela talked about The Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR) has an article on The Vision of a Well-Being Economy, which shares how “We must shift how we understand and build societal health and prosperity, looking beyond economic growth to collective well-being and environmental sustainability.”

Patti discussed – When negative thoughts or emotions enter your mind, you can allow them and redirect them. The trouble with worrying about money and work can consume you, but having strategies can relieve the anxiety.

Spend some time in meditation to calm your thoughts.

Listen to upbeat music to manage anxiety and manifest money.

Pray about the situation for guidance and peace. Journal about the problem which is causing the worry.

Go for a walk, the gym, bicycle ride, yoga or fitness classes or any type of exercise.

Repeat positive affirmations.

Hire a financial coach to help develop a healthy money mindset and reasonable financial goals.

Angela shares about Sondra Ray and Leonard Orr’s book Rebirthing in the New Age. It is hard to get a copy of it now.

One of her powerful ones is “I deserve to be loved.”Shakti Gawain has a great book called “Creating True Prosperity”that gets to your underlying beliefs around money and abundance and T Harv Eker book The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

Dr. Patrick Wanis that is a paid meditation download. 

To schedule a distant Reiki session or life coaching with Patti 

To schedule Angela’s online Meditation Class.  

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DISCLOSURE: Please be aware that Angela and Patti may be sharing affiliate links in this podcast/post. Please know that we only ever share products and services that we use or have used ourselves and found great value.

#buildingbetterrelationships #calm #anxiety #moneybeliefs #manifesting