Posted in Blog, Exploring Life and Work with Patti Podcast

Exploring How to Deal with Words Left Unsaid

Hi, Manager and Supervisors
How’s it going?
In this podcast episode, we will explore dealing with unsaid words.

I am sure we all had a life situation where we wished we told someone how we truly felt. Whether it was a childhood crush or wished we spoke up at a group meeting or knew something was happening that wasn’t right.

Fear can immobilize us not to act. Then Guilt or regret lingers on and on inside of us. It may continue throughout our lifetime. Guilt or shame can leave us feeling empty, unsatisfied, or longing for something we didn’t have the guts to pursue. You probably heard the old saying, “Time heals all wounds.”  Does it? 

Some wounds will never heal until addressed, which is easier said than done.

How many of us have been ghosted sometime in our life? 

It may have been a relationship, a job offer, a promotion, a networking acquaintance, a promise, or a business deal.

Did you want to know the reason why? 

I know when it happened to me, I wanted to know why.

Unfortunately, most of the time, especially in the business setting, a reason why will never come.

Overthinking about the situation can take a toll on a person. It may cause depression, anger, suicidal thoughts, sadness, ulcers, overwhelm, uncontrollable crying, anxiety attacks, and so much more.

Time may soften the disappointment, regret, and hurt, but it’s still deep inside. Time is not the healer; it is the inner work of dealing with the emotions that heals you. Healing requires constant mental work of positive self-talk and letting it go.

How do you get over it and move on?

🦋 Recite positive affirmations for healing and to eliminate negative thoughts.

🦋 Create a gratitude journal. Every day in the journal, write one to three things you are grateful for daily.

🦋 Be aware of your emotions and feelings; take time to feel them — work on halting the complaining, constantly talking about it, and overthinking the situation.

🦋 Spend time with positive, happy, and motivated people.

🦋 Pick your battles. Sometimes, chasing the person may cause more damage to you. If the recipient doesn’t want to hear from you, they won’t respond. Start focusing on what you want in life; you are worth more.

🦋 Hire a life or leadership coach or therapist to help you overcome the hurt and disappointment.

Isn’t it time to be happy?

Being upset, angry, and overthinking isn’t working. Love yourself and those around you enough to let it go. Believing you deserve a better life of peace, joy, and love is a huge part of healing.

Today’s podcast Affirmation

I let go and move on!

Question: How did you move on from words left unsaid?

I would love your thoughts on this topic, and if there is a topic you would like me to explore, please leave a comment. 

If you are struggling with the daily grind and feel alone, a leadership and work-life balance coach like me will help you work through those everyday challenges to continue moving forward to where you want to be. 

Did you find this helpful? If so, please share this podcast with others! 

Until next time when we meet again!

If you would like to learn more about working with me for coaching services, go to my website:

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