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Day 4 of 5 Power of Positivity

Welcome to Day 4 of the 5 Day

Power of Positivity Challenge.

Today’s challenge is about spending time in prayer and meditation to increase positivity in your daily life.

Prayer and meditation is powerful. These activities release the feel-good chemicals into the brain.  What and how we think does have a huge impact on our body, mood and immune system.  Prayer and meditation decreases our reactions to negative situations.

Prayer is talking to God and meditation is listening to God! ~ unknown

When feeling stressed, angry or out of control, step away from the situation and pray about it.  When praying, it removes us from the emotion and we give it to God.  People who pray often see health benefits and experience peace.

Every positive thought is a silent prayer which will change your life. ~ Bryant McGill

Here is an example of a short prayer to ask for guidance for positivity:

Dear God,
When I have negative thoughts, please help me to quickly recognize them and guide me to focus on what is good and positive in my life. ~ Amen

Meditation is a habitual process of training your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts.  When meditating it has been proven to increase calmness, improve relaxation and help one cope with chronic illnesses.  Some people use meditation to create a more positive outlook on life.

Here is a short meditation to get you started:

Your mind is a sacred enclosure into which nothing harmful can enter except by your permission. ~ Arnold Bennet

Day 3 challenge is when you feel upset or overwhelmed, step away and quickly pray about it.  Ask for peace and calmness with the situation.  Also, listen to the short meditation daily.

My prayer for this 5 Day ~ Power of Positivity Challenge, is for all who are participating to be inspired with positivity and that God gives you the strength to resist the negativity around you. ~ Amen

Share your experiences in the “leave a reply” below. I would love to see your comments and maybe it will inspire others as well! ❤️

How about creating A Balanced Life Especially for You; click on the link  21- Days Optimal Work/Life Balance Workshop to begin your special journey of creating more balance and positivity in life.

Want “one to one coaching” with Patti – email me at


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