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3 things to do to create balance in your life this week!

Create balance sunset

3 things to do to create balance in your life this week:

Balance Strategy #1 ~  Spend an hour pampering you! 

Reflection Question: Why is it important to take care of you?

Balance Strategy #2 ~ Take an hour to strengthen a relationship or friendship!

Reflection Question: Who is important to you?

Balance Strategy #3 ~ Take time to have some fun!

Schedule at least 30 minutes this week to do something you really enjoy and do it.

Reflection Question: What is fun time to you?

By taking a few precious hours within your week and incorporating these strategies it calms your nerves, connects you with the important people in your life and puts some joy and new perceptive in your weekly life.  Let me know what you incorporated in your life this week and how did you feel doing it? ~ Patti

Do you want even more work-life balance strategies? Come and join the Facebook group called Work-Life Balance with Patti

Become a Better Leader [e-Book] Click here to download your copy.

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