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Building BRIDGES instead of putting up WALLS

Building BRIDGES instead of putting up WALLS

“People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.” Joseph F. Newton

How many times in our relationships do we put up walls instead of letting others in?  Why do we feel others will hurt us if we let them in?  Is building walls easier than letting others get close to us or accept help?  We are social creatures and crave friendship.  Why are so many of us lonely?  Why is it easier to walk away from a relationship than to work at?    Is this relationship worth working on?  These are good questions each of us should ask ourselves.

If we want to have lasting relationships we have to be willing to open ourselves up to possible failure and to trust people even when we are not sure we can trust.  How can we break down those walls and connect with others to have lasting friendships?  Building those bridges is hard work but well worth every minute of working on it.    Do you think there would be less lonely miserable people if we reach out and help others by building bridges instead of constructing walls?

I would love to hear your thoughts on this subject ~ Patti

Coaching for InspirationwithPatti.
com – TM
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