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Having Integrity at Work

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Definition of Work Integrity:

According to the BusinessDictionary the definition of Integrity means the following:

1. Strict adherence to a moral code, reflected in transparent honesty and complete harmony in what one thinks, says, and does.
2. State of a system where it is performing its intended functions without being degraded or impaired by changes or disruptions in its internal or external environments.
3. Stored or transmitted data that is free from any unauthorized change. See also data integrity.

Characteristics of Having Integrity:

  • Staying true to your word.  Keeping obligations and promises to others such as employer, staff and customers.
  • Commit and attend your scheduled appointments and meetings on time.
  • Doing the right thing even when no one is watching.
  • Make a mistake own up to it, apologize and don’t blame others, take responsibility and be accountable for your actions.
  • Give credit where credit is due.
  • Do not associate with people who lack work integrity.
  • Lead by being a good example.  Everyone is observing your choices whether they are good or bad.

Characteristics with Lack of Integrity:

  • Coming to work late, leaving early, calling in sick when you are not really sick, taking longer breaks and lunches.  Creating excuses for this behavior which is taking advantage of your employer, supervisor and co-workers.
  • Having your co-workers cover for you because you are doing personal stuff such as; surfing the web, making personal phone calls and/or texting instead of working.
  • Not following policies and procedures.  Taking short cuts which cause errors and produce customers complaints.
  • Blaming others instead of taking responsibility for your actions.

Integrity is being honest with others and yourself.  Doing what is right even when no one is watching.  Staying true to your word and actions.  Facing the consequences for your decisions and choices.

As a leader, integrity is so important to being a good leader.  With integrity there is no covering up, no guilt, no shame or second guessing what is right or wrong.  Reflect on the choices you make.  If you make a mistake own up to it and learn from that mistake.  Everyone falls down sometimes.  Apologize and fix it.  Strive to lead by being a good example in all aspects of your life.  By having integrity these are the keys to ultimate success.

 Self-Reflection Questions

What does integrity mean to you?

What is the importance of having integrity?

Do you think it is acceptable to be right on the edge of right and wrong and still have integrity? Why or why not?

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Comments are always welcome and please share this post with your colleagues, friends, family and on your social networks!

6 thoughts on “Having Integrity at Work

  1. Great post Patti-I liked seeing the definitions of integrity. Interesting to me as integrity is in my top 4 values!

  2. Great post Patti. “Doing the right thing even when no-one is watching” – lovely simple clear definition of integrity. Sian

  3. Great stuff Patti, thanks for sharing! I was fortunate enough to see Lou Holtz speak in Indianapolis last week and his number one rule is “do the right thing”. He also discusses the need to “make good choices”. Simple ideas but very powerful, and living with integrity is so much more fun than the alternative 🙂

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