Posted in Blog, Business Inspiration, Leadership Inspiration, Personal Inspiration

What is your LIFELINE?

Day 17 of 30 day blogging challenge ~ What is your LIFELINE?

What is your LIFELINE?   

The definition of lifeline per the Merriam-Webster dictionary:

  • Something which provides help or support that is needed for success or survival
  •  A rope used for saving the life of someone (such as someone who has fallen into water)

Per the thesaurus other words for Lifeline are: salvation, link, help, support, helping hand or sustenance.

In our lives there are people who have supported us in our careers, school, family life, spiritual life and health.  We all have had times when we needed some kind of support.  Who were these lifelines?  How did they help you?  How did you express your appreciation?  Did you display any appreciation?  Are you a lifeline to others?  If not, why not?  Helping others is a great virtue.  When you give support  to other you should not expect anything back in return.  Provide assistance with a giving heart. 🙂

Question:  How can you assist someone today with a giving heart?

Coaching for Inspiration
Coaching for InspirationwithPatti.
com – TM

2 thoughts on “What is your LIFELINE?

  1. Great! Giving with no intention to receive. This is the way to a full heart and appreciating what others have done for you in your time of need!

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